Today AED To GBP Exchange Rate – UAE Dirham To GBP
Here is an updated list of UAE Dirham to British Pound Exchange Price (Updated July 20, 2020).
Today | AED TO GBP | 0.22 |
Q: What is the AED worth against the GBP?
A: One AED is worth 0.22 GBP today.
Q: What is 50 UAE Dirham in British Pound?
A: 50 UAE Dirham buys 10.84 GBP at interbank exchange rates.
UAE Dirham to GBP. BOL News is a one-stop solution for the exchange rate, including the open market currency exchange rate, interbank Currency exchange rate, and international forex rate. Get the latest updates of all foreign currency exchange prices such as; 1 USD to EUR.
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